Veterans support Carrie Isaac


It was an honor to serve my nation as an American soldier for 32 years, and it has been an honor to serve in the Texas Legislature for the last five years. In that time, I’ve learned that whether it’s the floor of the Texas House of Representatives or battlefields in distant lands, you live and die by the quality, courage, and discipline of the company you keep. I write to you today encouraging you to vote for Carrie Isaac for State Representative.

Carrie Isaac is the principled leader we need in the Texas Legislature — a proven conservative who won’t back down from a fight, who will focus on the issues that matter instead of political games. In 2020 she willingly took on the uphill battle of defeating Erin Zwiener in House District 45. Republican voters in what was a heavily Democrat district chose her resoundingly, and she came within 1% of taking back the seat, a monumental achievement.

While Carrie Isaac has shown consistent bravery in the face of tough odds, her opponent is hiding behind a fake PAC called "Texas Conservative Veteran's PAC." Ethics reports show that the PAC is a shell entity for Carrie's opponent's campaign team. When I first ran, this is the same campaign team that attacked me and was criticized by Young Conservatives of Texas for "distorting the face of a decorated combat veteran for political gain.”

This fake PAC is claiming that by accepting a salary for her job as executive director of a non-profit Carrie Isaac somehow took money earmarked for veterans. This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, the largest donor to this non-profit was so impressed with Carrie's work that he has made a political contribution to her campaign and continues to support her to this day. You can learn more here.

This is the kind of disgusting politics that we must not reward. What truly sets the United States military and our allies apart from the rest of the world is not our budget or our technology, it is how we value and respect the lives and skills of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and first responders.

Our political establishment, however, squanders the integrity and reputation of our veterans and others who serve in the same way our enemies squander the lives of their soldiers. It is concerned only with winning the current battle no matter the cost, while some disingenuous campaign consulting firms, “rhetorical arms dealers,” rake in money hand over fist. The dirtier the fight, the more divided we are, the more ads to run, the larger their profit.

The Texas House of Representatives is a battlefield of principles. Do not reward the abuse of our veterans’ integrity, throwing out the truth in favor of a quick win. Do not let campaign consultants make money off making us hate each other. Reward those who are willing to fight clean, even if it means losing a battle. Reward those who dust themselves off and get right back in the fight, time and time again.

Send us a fighter, send us someone we can trust when the going gets tough. On May 24th, go to the polls and vote to send Carrie Isaac to the Texas House of Representatives.

Yours in Service,

Colonel Terry M. Wilson, Infantry, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Texas House of Representatives, House District 20

Col. Terry Wilson