Texas must fix the grid

Texas MUST fix the grid. Although possible power outages this week are likely to be brief, the déjà vu we're all experiencing — almost exactly a year after the catastrophic blackouts in February 2021 — makes it even more apparent how desperately we need to reform our electric market.

As state representative, I will work to end the multibillion-dollar renewable energy subsidies that weaken our grid and drain our hard-earned tax dollars. Texans must have affordable AND reliable electricity, and we must require unreliable generators to have backup generation so we have the power we need when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining.

Governor Abbott and the Public Utility Commission have made important strides correcting this problem, but the legislature needs to enact even stronger reforms next session. That's why I need your support now more than ever.

Would you consider chipping in $100, $50, or even $10 to help me educate more voters about this critical issue? You can also help by sharing this video with your friends in Comal and Hays counties.

Carrie Isaac