The border crisis and election engineering stem from the same false mindset

There is a coordinated campaign to undermine the rule of law in America. We’re seeing it play out in real time as record-shattering numbers of migrants illegally cross the United States border — with the federal government largely turning a blind eye to this public safety and humanitarian crisis. We’re also seeing it in the senseless cries of racism in the face of the simplest, most common-sense election integrity proposals. I hear Democrat lawmakers profess to care about migrants and about the right to vote, but their actions speak louder than words. Instead of working together for real solutions, we’ve been told how to handle our health care at every step; we’ve been told what kind of lightbulbs and toilets we can use in our homes. We are tired of being lectured.

Remember when Democrats were the party of “yes we can”? An environmental leader I respect put it well in an essay this week: “Now, on all the major issues of the day, the message from progressives is ‘No, you can’t.’” No longer is there room for freedom of speech and the friendly exchange of ideas. Disagreement, to the Democrats, means error. Rather than reason, progressive politicians resort to using emotional appeals to attract followers, glossing over the facts or even totally misconstruing the facts. 

I want to share some ideas with you that I hope will produce positive outcomes with my election next year.

Observations from My Trip to the Border

I recently visited the border and am left with the following significant impressions:

First, records are being shattered for the massive numbers of migrants flowing into our country. In July alone, the number of migrants into our country has exceeded 200,000. I witnessed overwhelmed sheriff's deputies, border patrol agents, and DPS officers. Residents are afraid to walk alone on their own property. They are even afraid to drive on their neighborhood streets in fear of being involved in an accident due to high speed chases. Since my visit, we’ve learned that the federal government has transported thousands of maskless migrants to the interior of the United States — over 40,000 of whom were COVID-positive — all while lecturing us to keep our masks on and stay home.  

Second, the very real damage to private property was also staggering. Buildings had burned down from migrants burning fires for camping. Fences had been cut resulting in loss of livestock. These landowners will suffer long-term fiscal recovery challenges. One of the government’s few true constitutional duties is protecting  public safety, and landowners should have a reasonable expectation of protection from local and state law enforcement agencies. This damage just adds insult to injury.

Finally, the mental, physical and spiritual toll on our border agents is unreasonable. Lacking adequate staff, no background checks or verification of identity are conducted on the migrants. The lack of vetting is just the latest sacrifice on the altar of globalization and open borders. There aren’t enough agents on the border to adequately patrol the border and contain the influx, even with state troopers traveling from all over the country to assist. Governor Abbott’s recent order allows Texas Department of Public Safety troopers to reroute civilian vehicles back to their origin point or a port of entry or to seize the vehicles if police suspect the driver is transporting migrants who are infected with the virus. This is a start, but only a start. Customs and Border Protection agents need resources: human, technology, a wall! And they need mental, physical, and spiritual support from all of Texas. Pray for the Blue Line!

Why do Democrats oppose election integrity?

The same rampant apathy and even disdain toward the rule of law is evident in the Democrats’ obsession with fighting reasonable election integrity measures Texans support overwhelmingly. Over 80% of Texans support voter ID. We absolutely must allow only U.S. citizens to vote in our elections. We have a representative government in the United States; its legitimacy and integrity depend on fair, free, and secure elections.

Erin Zwiener proposed legislation, HB 160, to add a student ID from an institution of higher education as an acceptable form of ID for voting. But student IDs do not verify residence, citizenship, or even age. This legislation contains numerous logical flaws and would open the door for residents of other states or even countries to vote without local officials having any idea. College students already have ample opportunities to vote with a driver’s license, state ID, military ID, or completely free election ID card available to every eligible voter at no charge. Rep. Zwiener claims to care about everyone who wants to vote, but her reasoning is lacking. Student IDs should not be added to the list of valid credentials for voting. Many foreign students attend colleges and universities in Texas, and many high school students under 18 take community college courses. Residency is not a criteria for obtaining a student ID, enrollment is.

The Democrats chose to leave their seats twice this year rather than vote on the voting integrity bill that passed the Senate in July, SB1. Democrats unapologetically want everyone to vote whether there is an established right to vote or not. But that is not how our system of government works. Texans see through this thinly veiled aspiration.

More from the Campaign Trail

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Texas is the greatest state in the greatest country in the world, and we must fight the radical progressive agenda to preserve a bright future for the Lone Star State.

 In coming weeks I will be sharing more about the key issues facing our community and state today, including the Legislative Priorities established by the State Republican Executive Committee, which you can read here.

To keep in touch, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and sign up for occasional emails from the campaign trail below.

Trooper Supply Drive Update

I can't thank everyone enough who contributed supplies and funding towards the supply drive for the troopers. Because of your efforts, they felt gratitude and support. They were grateful to know so many people across the state were thinking of them and wanted to understand their experience.

Carrie Isaac